Online courses
ONLINE toddler yoga Aged 1-3 years Course of 6 classes 30GBP
These classes cover books, songs and themes to engage children in yoga and meditation content.
The classes introduce routines and yoga dances that help children build movement memory and patterns in their body.
The themes cover many yoga poses that relate to the real- world such as animals, transport, under the sea creatures and nature.
Using music and breath work children are guided into short meditations and quiet moments as well as encouraged to find stillness with a grown up or another child.
Themes include;
Old McDonald on the farm
At the beach
Going to the zoo
In the garden
We’re going on a bear hunt
Each class last approximately 30 minutes.
A yoga mat would be preferred but is not essential.
ONLINE Toddler Bedtime Yoga Course of 6 classes 30GBP
These classes introduce children’s stories in preparation for bedtime. The classes encouraged children to move through the story and end in a relaxation that involves breath work and partner poses with a grown up or another child to encourage bonding and touch that can have relaxing and restorative properties.
Classes last approximately 20-30 minutes
A yoga mat would be preferred but not essential.
​Blankets and soft toys are welcome too!
Stories include;
The Hungry caterpillar
Dear zoo
Rabbits nap
Busy day builder

ONLINE Meditation made easy Recommended for kids aged 8-11years (KS2) Course of 6 classes 30GBP
These classes introduce children’s stories in preparation for bedtime. The classes encouraged children to move through the story and end in a relaxation that involves breath work and partner poses with a grown up or another child to encourage bonding and touch that can have relaxing and restorative properties.
Classes last approximately 20-30 minutes
A yoga mat would be preferred but not essential.
​Blankets and soft toys are welcome too!
Stories include;
The Hungry caterpillar
Dear zoo
Rabbits nap
Busy day builder

ONLINE Yoga pockets For teens and adults to help trim and tone the body in bite size chunks Course of 6 classes 30GBP
Classes last between 15-30 minutes and look at introducing postures and exercises that can help support the bodies, flexibility, strength and awareness whilst trimming and toning the muscles in these short videos that you can do anywhere.